Friday, July 11, 2008

Konkani Humor

Humor is an integral part of Konkani culture and at BayKon, we are never short of it. We often have innumerable comic instances during our gatherings however, thus far they have not been recorded.

Be it the infamous R for Rabbit, A for Apple, V for Victory and I for 'I Don't know' or the interpretation "Do you keep your options open?" (from our dear friend Ravi who seems to have become Speechless In Seattle); it would be good to have them recorded and published.

Here is one very Impressive Konkani Blog ( by a fellow Konkani with alias Lokaabhiraam. Has dozens of audio clips; and each of them is not short of giving you a good doze of laughter.

1 comment:

Sunil said...

Thanks to our Konkani Sammelan 2008 president, Mr. Ramesh Kamath for forwarding the link of this impressive blog by Lokaabhiraam.